Our Promise of Confidentiality

This commitment promises to you that the site Visit-Cinque-Terre.com applies a policy of confidentiality as regards the data which you entrust us in filling our forms.

If you have the slightest question about the security of this Website, you can contact us filling the form below:
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On the site Visit-Cinque-Terre.com, you will find links allowing you to reach other sites.

The site Visit-Cinque-Terre.com and us are no way representatives and linked to the practices of confidentiality in force on these sites.

We encourage you therefore to be aware of this fact and, when you access to an outside sites from Visit-Cinque-Terre.com by one of the links which are shown there, we invite you to read commitments of confidentiality of each of these sites.

The present commitment of confidentiality applies naturally only to the information gathered on our own site Visit-Cinque-Terre.com.

Log Files

We use the IP addresses of the visitors to analyze tendencies, manage the site Visit-Cinque-Terre.com, study the behavior of site visitors and gather demographic data in the broad sense for a total use and to improve our site’s services. IP addresses gathered in our files log are not at all linked to personal information that can be identified.

Modification of our commitment of confidentiality

If our commitment of confidentiality concerning your personal data changes in the future by affecting your personal information of identification, we shall inform you by e-mail of ensuing changes.

We furthermore invite you to consult the present commitment of confidentiality every so often, to be aware of possible changes.

We promise not to sell, to distribute, to exchange any personal information which you would have shared with us to a third person. Under no circumstances and without the slightest exception.

Luca and Daniela Carton